
Spiraling Rapunzel Zucchini Noodles

Now I realize that I may be the last one to board this simple gadget bandwagon, so I have delayed in making such a big deal about it. 

But the more I have used this gadget, and have had excellent results, I then realized there may be a few like me that would love to have their mind happily blown by such simplicity.


BEHOLD: the Turning Slicer..aka Spiral Slicer...Spiralizer...Greatness!

in the box

Out of the box
(vendor picture)

In action

Annnnd done!

As fast as you scrolled through those pictures is about as fast as it goes. 

I have used these cute curly Q's as a pasta replacement.
I mean you can still have that slurping slapping noodle against your chin experience with these.
And might I say the options are endless..Think pasta--Insert zucchini noodles.

Below is my version of a recipe in the Against All Grain Cookbook.
Lemon Basil Sea Bass in Papillote

{hashtag} no filter!!

A base of the zucchini pasta, a white fish, sliced tomato and lemon a sprinkling of herbs, salt and pepper all wrapped up in a cute paper parchment package and in the oven it goes..

My favorite part is the big reveal.
Slitting through the paper and as the steam escapes the fog clears and boom...it's Dinner..and your welcome!

To make you a believer, you can see Danielle Walker of Against All Grain and her Spiral Slicer tutorial here.

Also after watching...you can order it right away from Amazon here

So gather the family and tell them Christmas came early and set everyone around the table with their very own parchment package. I am sure they will all be amused overflowing with applause and cheering.

It is what's for dinner~ Enjoy!

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