Why the Wheatless Wonder?
Well it is really plain and simple.
As of 2 1/2 years ago I was able to pinpoint years of discomfort, headaches, stomachaches, exzema, weariness...you name it. It all pointed to the effects of gluten wreaking havoc on my insides.
It's funny really, my husband had taken enough of my complaints after almost every meal folded over complaining of a stomach ache. As he mentioned I was always complaining all the time, I was quick to say no way.. until the next meal I would have a big case of the yucks..
After much reading and connecting the dots with what I was reading and how I was feeling, I decided to take the few things out of my cabinet that might have gluten in it...I mean I ate healthfully.. Triscuits, granola, Raisin Bran, pita sandwiches...
I will never forget opening my pantry to pull the 1 or 2 items out that were filllled with gluten. But noooo! there was 1, 2, 3, 4-5-6....everything I owned just about had gluten as a major ingredient...not to mention soy and red #46 or something..
Which leads me to the Wheatless Wonder.
My gluten-free lifestyle leads me everyday to a journey that is still new.
I have had to learn a new language of sorts. My easy go-to's are nearly non-existent, so I lean toward a new gluten free option.
I have been in search for cookbooks that can serve as roadmaps to creating well balanced meals. Meals that will fill up my sweet husband and meals we can serve dinner to guests in our home. We love cooking for others and for goodness sakes, I won't let something like gluten stop me from cooking delicious meals.
So to those who struggle with gluten or not..you are welcomed at my table.
All the things I post here are going to be gluten-free. I will be pulling from cookbooks, of course pinterest, and old recipes I will tell how I have adapted.
So, pull up a chair and let's begin.
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